Are your windows and doors AS2047 compliant?

Under the National Construction Code of Australia, window manufacturers are required to produce windows and doors that meet mandatory minimum specifications under Australian Standard (AS) 2047.

The WADIC Advantage

In 2000 a group of 50 small to medium joinery businesses joined together forming WADIC and secured a seat on AS2047 making representation on behalf of timber joinery businesses. Due to the WADIC participation on this Standard, generic windows were included in Appendix H of the Standard and gave way for WADIC to support manufacturing members with a range of tested WADIC windows and doors.

The WADIC Compliance Manual has documented test results from testing carried out by members and by WADIC itself in order to assist Licensed WADIC members to be to be cost effectively compliant without the need to undertake their own testing, saving thousands of dollars for small to medium joineries.

Unless you have carried out the appropriate testing according to AS2047 yourself or you belong to WADIC as a licensed member and follow the manual it is very difficult and costly to claim compliance.


The WADIC Compliance Manual offering far more AS2047 test results than a small or medium joinery factory could afford to test themselves.


A comprehensive range of Customised Thermal Ratings for licensed WADIC Compliance Manual holders.

TABMA Apprenticeship Recruitment

Access to TABMA apprenticeship recruitment and employment scheme through the WADIC alliance with TABMA.


WADIC website listings of WADIC manufacturing members – lending credible exposure to potential clients and supplier partnerships.


An opportunity to participate in further testing jointly and collaboratively with other small to medium joinery members.


Assistance with Complaints Resolution along with practical down to earth assistance for everyday manufacturing challenges.


Invitations to industry information nights, dinners and events.


Opportunity to be part of the WADIC Licensed Bushfire Fabricators for BAL 29 Tested Products.


WADIC is a sponsor of the Timber Design Awards supporting new and innovative designs for timber windows and doors.

WADIC & TABMA Apprenticeships

WADIC and TABMA have long enjoyed a mutually beneficial arrangement whereby TABMA as a GTO (Group Training Organisation) employs trainees/apprentices and contracts and places them with a suitable host employer. The manufacturer becomes the host employer with TABMA invoicing the host on a weekly basis.

TABMA takes on all the employer responsibilities of the trainee/apprentices employment and training. TABMA advertises, interviews and screens prospective apprentices to fit the need of a manufacturers business or working requirements. If the arrangement with the apprentice does not work out TABMA will then arrange alternate placement for that apprentice/trainee.

WADIC R&D Cyclonic Testing

WADIC R&D for Licensed Members AS2047 Bifold and Cyclonic Testing 2018-2019

All 4 assemblies tested over two weeks and were of similar details and dimensions except for hardware with innate differences to be accommodated or additional hardware. All 4 door bifold systems were configured 3 by 1 which were 2460mm in height x 3800mm in width.

Membership Fees

Download Membership Pack

If you would like further information about becoming a licensed WADIC Member or AS2047 Compliant, please refer to our Membership Pack.

Join Now

If you’re ready to enjoy the many benefits being a WADIC licensed member, simply head over to our online registration form. Joining is easy!

Still have questions?

If you would like to know more about WADIC and becoming a member, please get in touch or browse our Resource and Knowledge for many great industry resources.