We are happy to announce that WADIC has successfully tested a BAL29 Western Red Cedar System for Sliding Doors, Sliding Windows and two Double Hung Window Systems at EXOVA Warrington Fire in Dandenong on the 11th of June 2015.
At this point in time it appears that WADIC will have the only Australian Double Hung tested BAL29 Western Red Cedar System (with Merbau sill) that has been tested by EXOVA to meet AS1530 8.1. It is early days while we wait for formalised reporting but this positive result was confirmed by the Laboratory yesterday. A great achievement which was made achievable by the collaboration of the WADIC Committee. This will see the completion of the suite of products for Western Red Cedar. It will allow our fabricators to offer the full range of a house – lot of joinery without too many restrictions.
Present at the testing were representatives of the NSW Rural Fire Service and Victorian Country Fire Service.
The up-skilling of WADIC Fabricators, of these new products, will be undertaken once all the reporting has been completed and we would hope to undertake the training of new incoming fabricators and the upgrading of existing no later than September all being well.